I've heard it said so many times..."The sweet smell of victory."
My question is, what's so sweet about it? In the gym, the "sweet smell of victory" is the smell of sweat; in the business of cleaning, it's the smell of chemical cleaners; in the meat packing industry, the smell of dead animals and lots of raw meat; in the fishing industry, the smell of fish, usually dead fish.
But what about on the battle field? What's the "sweet smeel of victory" there?
Well, I will tell you all about that "sweet smell." The "smell of victory" on a battle field is that of blood, burning flesh, burning tires, and gunpowder. What's more is the symphony that goes with it; men's last screams of agony, explosions as bombs go off in the distance and up close, cries of "allah akbar" (God is great) before the insurgents kill the "infidels," the sound of screeching tires as a humvee tries to stop before it reaches the bomb planted in the road, and lets not forget the never ending gunfire as men fight for their lives.
These realizations do not come from my own experience...well, not completely anyway, but from many others experiences, and the one thing I have realized; The "sweet smell of victory" is the most bile, most disgusting smell there is on earth.
Instead, I prefer to look at the other side; the what results due to the actions taken side. What results from that battle is the safety of others, most of whom don't care one bit that we almost died for them. It's the knowledge that those who were killed, the terrorists anyway, will not be able to harm Americans again.
I don't know how it became known as the "sweet smell of victory," but it was poorly named indeed. Instead, I believe it should be called the "sweet results of victory," for that is the only good part about it when all is said and dead.